
Final portfolio reflection

It’s been a long road but I made it to the end of this semester and I got to say this class was very inspiring.

When I first started the class I won’t lie I was scared and nervous because everyone seemed like they had an idea of what they were doing and was very passionate about it but for me, I feel like I have really nothing.

But then I realized that I’ve always been passionate about games and I had a website already making blogs about video games and was doing my little rants on Facebook so why not make a podcast and talk about it and after doing some research and watching how one of my favorite YouTubers black Hokage does his podcast and seen another podcaster/blogger by the name of Black TARDIS talk about Doctor who I came to the conclusion that I do have an idea of what I would love to do for the rest of my life and that is being a podcaster.

The road wasn’t easy. There was a lot of procrastination because I have never done a podcast before, and I didn’t know if anybody would even like it or even appreciate it. Still, after seeing so many people work and having everybody push me to make a pilot episode of the Degenerates Among us, and Surprisingly, people really respond nicely to it and give feedback.

I’m very grateful for not only having my friends to help me with this big ambitious project but taking this class because it really helped me figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life and remind myself that if you’re passionate about something go for it even if it seems impossible….. You never know what could happen.


The Final Proposal For The Best Podcast Ever

My final proposal is far from over. I actually need to keep doing the project and perfecting it; however, based on all the feedback I got, I can tell you right now this podcast will be the best podcast you ever listen to

For those that don’t know what I’m doing, a gaming podcast called the Degenerates Among Us, and This podcast is designed for everybody to watch. the main goal is to educate people on what’s going on in the video game industry but also, most importantly, to have fun, so please check it out

The blueprints for this podcast are all on my Google slides and will be constantly improved over time.

I want to give a special shout-out to Professor Michael, Anna, and Sifat for really pushing me to do the podcast because I was procrastinating/fearing to do it, and seeing the amount of feedback and support was really shocking, so I appreciate the push so thank you.


Week 8- The Procrastinator

I am ready to get started on my portfolio project I have my topics for the blog and the podcast ready, my friends are all ready to record and I already have an idea of how long the video is going to be the only problem is I’m procrastinating/being lazy way too much.

And before you say “come on jahi this is pretty simple this is something you’re really passionate about so we shouldn’t be a problem” I know but it doesn’t help that due to the corona I am missing the school environment because usually I get things done way before the due date but without that school environment I feel very sluggish

That being said this weekend I should have not only new sets of blogs but also the first episode of The podcast which I’m actually extremely excited to do (so as long as I get it done)

But with all that being said, I did look up Nicole Hill’s website called Black TARDIS for the big goal digital present from my future pair. I love how very organized it is and that it has a contact page. It also has Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram social media account. The only problem I have with the site is that it’s not functional because some of the links are broken, so she would need to fix that. Luckily I know what design. Hence, she needs help. I would definitely love to work on it.

I also looked up a little bit of a bigger YouTuber by the name of black Hokage and his website is kind of my vision of how I want my podcast page to be in the future I love how it has a feed if you want to find out what he and his friends are doing you can scroll down and see what they’re up to. The Creator page links all the member’s social media links and a little background history of them. They have an about me page that is your typical about me page. They have a merchandising page that sends you to some merchandising and a sponsor page that gives you a discount on everything and contact to talk to them personally for any business opportunities. 

But overall these are some of the people that make me realize I need to get out of this lazy stage and get started because if they making things happen I should be able to as well.


week 7- Intern needed!

So for this week, we focused on how to apply for intern and surprisingly it doesn’t seem that hard until you realize first impressions count and one slightest mistake could cost you everything

Using the professor’s email inquiry and messing up on it I’ve realized that I don’t only have to use one technique in order to get an internship if you have multiple techniques that what they’re looking for make mention of it.

An example of that is if you’re into podcasting but they have a web designing division and they’re looking for someone who knows their way around a computer you can offer to help them and if you get in then you can ask about another division such as a podcast.

so currently I’m writing one email to Robyn Jordan the co-founder of black girls create about podcasting and how she got started with it but I’m also writing an email to Nicole Hill the community manager who runs her own blog called Black TADIS and I could get her opinion about how do you run a successful blog place and what does it take to run. The idea so genius I wish I thought of it myself

If everything works out I’ll be possibly an official member of the black girl create squad even though I’m not a girl but don’t worry I already have a solution to that


week 6 – The pitch

I’m so surprised how relaxing this week was, maybe because we’re nearing the end or having a goal in a vision that I want to do but what I do know is that my project proposal for my podcast will be sweet. I can feel it.

But let me slow down because I only have currently slid detailing what my plan is. After consulting with Dan and Jonathan about their project and them flushing out my ideas more, I know I have a long way to go, but I feel like I’m making progress in a weird way progress.

I think the only worry I have is me actually executing it. Still, so far, it’s looking good to get an idea of what my podcast will be. Basically, it’s going to be about video games and using memes to lighten the mood.

Is a quick little preview of my amazing podcast (no, that’s not the official name, and I will be updating it with more information, so stay tuned)


week 5 – take me under your wing plz!!

So while I was searching for an internship, I found this really cool blogger by the name of Robyn Jordan, who’s basically in the position that I’m in; she owns her own website called, and she has her own podcast. However, they also made me realize how far I am from that dream, so that sucks

But one step at a time, the first thing I did was find a place to do an internship that focuses on blogging/writing. I found this one place called Soho paws that focuses on high-quality pet products and the head of strategy and marketing. Juan Andres is looking for bloggers and writers to talk about their products and help customers understand the products. I like it because it gives me experience with writing and takes me out of my comfort zone, and makes me improve as a writer. It also helps that I like dogs 🙂

However, not all internships are good for me. There was a fake internship I found for a place called get set go, and they were looking for an internship, and when I looked at it the first time, something was very off. It didn’t look very professional, and the design layout of it was fundamental, almost like a rookie of web design 1 did it (no disrespect to that rookie) come to find out the whole thing isn’t real, so that was a big waste of time.

That being said, finding an internship for what I’m interested in is harder than it looks, but I have to be more determined to get what I want. 


Week 4- looking my future in the face

I got to win that last week was very nerve-wracking based on my last post. I really felt like I had no idea where I was going with my life, but now I feel like I got a better picture, and I’m ready to face it.

That means that I still have a long way to go. Still, seeing Olivia’s video a sparked an idea of what I should be aiming for with my podcast idea but also it made me realize that you don’t have to have everything planned out because while talking to her, she didn’t have everything planned out and it’s still modifying certain aspects. I think the most important lesson I learned today is taking things one step at a time; eventually, you’ll get there.

So throughout this week, I have just been looking up some of my favorite podcasters that do video games such as the black Hokage and also The last stand they both have Spotify podcast I just been listening and also been listening to non-video game podcast like the Joe Rogan to get a sense of what works for them and what I should be doing.

Through the help of the professor, using GIF while doing videos would be really beneficial to distinguish me because I always use it for blog posts; however, I would still need more practice on how to make it work, so as of right now, I’m just going to continue working on making more blog posts and resume putting more blogs up on my website (which I haven’t done in a minute)

Still got a long way to go, but so far, I feel confident of where I’m going, and as long as I stick on this roadblock, I’ll be fine nervous but doing okay. 


Week 3 – A Daunting task

Well, this was a very frustrating day. Just when I think things were going to be easy and I know what I want to do it turns out I don’t know where I’m going.

I know I love games and I also love talking about them so I thought doing a podcast would be easy until I realize there’s a lot more that goes into podcast than just talking and saying cool things but it’s way more to it than that

You have to be a good blogger which requires you to write and you have to say interesting things which I feel like I’m only on the base level when it comes on to all of those things, it a lot to take in and this is only the beginning.

On the bright side I can’t say I have a little bit of experience of doing blogs thanks to school and also my word press website I used to blog (maybe I should continue blogging on it) and I recently looked up some gaming blogger on a website called Destructoid

Other than that, it’s been really hard to find someone who focuses on the podcast on a junior level. Most of the big ones  I listen to like sacred symbols and gaming Illuminati have experience people are usually experienced.

Overall this has been a very frustrating moment, but weirdly, it’s made me more focused on what I want in life, so I don’t know if I should give the professor props for pushing me or go cry in the corner…..or both


Week 2-Wake up call

Well, this was an interesting class this week just what I thought I had everything figured out this class made me realize I don’t.

That being said, I did have a general outline for what I wanted to do, which was combining the two things I like gaming and web designing to create a website for gaming, almost like IGN.
So I feel slightly proud of myself that I at least have something 🙂

I chose this because I’m very passionate about video games and where the future video games are heading, but I’m also into good designing websites. Over the years, I’ve seen many good video game websites, and I’ve seen a lot of bad ones, so hopefully, I can make a good one.

After talking to professor Smith, he made me realize that I should probably get into content creating such as YouTube videos and streaming/uploading gameplay footage with my voice integrated into it and as soon as he said that, I find it funny that I was already doing it and not really realizing it kind of related to what I wanted to do

After doing a little bit of research, I realized my content creation could be about the news of video games, so just me getting on camera and talking about certain video game topics, tips, and tricks on how to beat certain games, or having a playthrough of me commentary on certain games. I’m currently doing more research before what I gathered is a lot more I can do, which is very interesting cuz I haven’t really thought of doing all types of content creation like this, but I’m interested long as I don’t be lazy with it

Every time I come to this class and seem like I learn more and more about myself and what type of future I want to have so let’s keep it going.


Week 1- best to worst class

The first day of class was pretty awesome. That feeling of knowing that you’re almost near the end of your college life is scary but also very exciting

That being said, flashing back to my worst classes and my best classes and talking to my classmate Jessica was very interesting given the fact that I never really thought so much on it but now that I think about it there’s so much to say on each class.

If I had to give two of my best class I would always say digital storytelling and web design one.

I say these two because I felt like when it comes on to technology I learned so much about how important good web design is and function that not only that but professor Smith makes learning fun and interesting.

As for digital storytelling, it made me fully embrace and talk about the things I like which is video games, movies and comic books through blogging and doing YouTube videos which is something I would have never had done before in my life also professor seslow it’s such a kind and gentle soul to the point I feel like he’s going to kidnap me lol

As for my least favorite class was writing for electronic media and portrait documentary. Although I felt like at least with portrait documentary I was learning something but they didn’t like how the professor criticized my work with electronic media I can’t even tell you what we learned even though I have an A- in the class because the professor was very unorganized and was unpredictable in a bad way.

Overall I hope this semester will be a great one and I’m looking forward to
Interact with more of my classmates in this class.