
Final Project Proposal

A proposal either in a document or slide presentation (Google slide presentation recommended) to be reviewed for final project must include the following:

  1. A title slide with a tentative name for your project (does not include the phrase “final project”) and your name (or username if you wish to post online and not use a real name).
  2. A section that clearly and meaningfully articulates what you are making for your final project. Give it a working title that is meaningful to the content of the project. You should address what exactly you will “deliver” – the scale and scope of this will vary depending on project type.
  3. A description of your “Big Goal” and how/why “Future Peers” will respect the type of work you’re planning to complete in your final project. A link to an example future peer and her/his work should be included.
  4. A section that includes artifacts and explanations of the research and personal craft that will inform the manner in which you will undertake your project. Artifacts include media examples of all types that you’ve discovered or produced. You should be explicit about how the artifact presents an understanding of particular aspects of your project to be completed. Be sure to be specific. For example if you are inspired by the video work of another, write the time points in the piece and how you envision incorporating their ideas into yours.
  5. A section that has a defined timeline with milestones and/or deliverables associated with specific dates. Your timeline should be shown in its entirety before and across the semester in which you wish to complete your final project.
  6. A section that speaks to concerns that you have undertaking this final project. What aspects to you expect to be difficult to achieve and why? Which others do you feel comfortable accomplishing and why? This is about recognizing what things you should prepare for most given your concerns.

Sample Proposal Presentations

By Michael Branson Smith

Michael Smith is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Communications Technology program at York College. Prof. Smith hosts a personal digital archive project blog on Commons titled It Cannot Be Trivial.