
mirror mirror on the wall… Show my Final Reflection ?

Hello, this is my last blog post for CT-399 — will keep it short UNLIKE my other gibberish posts. Joining this course, initially I had no idea what I was going to learn. I thought maybe, some more web/graphic design, and maybe some heavy writing. Little did I know, this course would teach me skills which greatly expands my intellect in terms of ‘common sense’ — by training me regarding the critical steps required to have a plan or ‘big goal’ & apply for internships. This is unlike any other class I’ve taken in the Communication Technology Major, taught by the awesome prof. Smith — we went over everything ranging from; Developing larger goals and taking little steps toward achieving those goals, Professional statement writing in the form of resume/cover letter & job inquiry, understanding the significance of having a strong digital presence, and finally, an extensive amount of research regarding materials that support my future goals.

Communicating and receiving feedback from fellow students was extremely helpful as well. The best part being, this was taught via Discord — freaking awesome! This is so much better than BlackBoard and everything worked seamlessly.

This course did the trick — I know my next project and working on a presentation for CT-401 as well. Today’s presentation was just the first part — will expand upon it further when CT-401 begins.

For now, thanks to CT-399 & prof. Smith — I have an updated resume, cover, and got my sight on “future peers”. This is the best common sense course I ever took! 💖