Although I am already enrolled in CT401-Final Project, I still felt last week’s class was helpful in motivating me to keep working on my project. I had fun sharing my progress so far with my classmates. We learned a lot more about our career goals and they are all somehow seem similar, which I found very interesting.
Now on to the technical stuff and my Final Project update. I had originally planned to create six short 18 seconds long animations showcasing different skills I learned from taking CT345 and then using all the six animations to create a Reel. However, I have since realized that the 18 seconds time frame I had set is too long for some of the animations. I have changed directions now. After meeting with Michael for the Final Project class meetup update, I was inspired to try and make a stop motion typography animation with a punk style theme. Michael showed me some very cool fonts from world war one soviet propaganda posters and a very creative Punk Rock Instant Art Photobook and the book looks amazing. In all, all credits due to Michael for this new project idea. It will be a fun experience and I’m excited to see what I can come up with my the end of the semester.
Here’s is an example of the technique I have in mind.
Jacques Lacan Cutout Animation
Kanye West ft. Daft punk – Stronger (moving typography)
Just imagine those two styles mixing together, except darker and messier looking.