
My future “goal” maybe

So coming to the college level I never knew what I wanted to do so nearing the end of my college road I think about my future everyday. Class was good reading about what everyone wanted to do in their future life was really amazing. It was good to read that people actually know what they wanted to do and I felt like I was clueless at this point. I did find some websites to start my research on : Web Design, Motion Graphics, web animation, integrate motion with web design. These were just some websites that I found out that were pretty interesting for me to look into more soon to narrow what I wanted to do because I really think that I wanted to fuse motion graphics and web design together.

I wish I knew exactly what I wanted to when I finish college but I am stuck between exploring more motion graphics stuff or being more so of a web designer or I can have the best of both worlds. But what I am hoping to do is maybe work with commercials or even work with clients to build their websites or more so just animate. I can also do web animations for sites or even make my own app! As you can see I am all over the place but I hope to stick to a more concrete idea and that is all guys.

If anyone reads this and can help a girl out with her goals it would be pretty beneficial to me seriously!!


Goals & Aspirations

Today I thought about the goals that I wanted to accomplish. After some soul searching and mind pondering I came up with this .

” One of my goals is to advance my skills with editing, producing, cinematography. i just want to develop my skills as best as i can, thereby becoming an all around person, talented in many aspects of the film industry. As of now,  I want to work as part of a production crew, picking up skills and information that would eventually help me form my own production company but i’d rather work for somebody and acquire new skills and trades as i go along. I don’t have a particular company I want to work for yet but hopefully the internships I get into help nudge me in that direction.

I had a nice talk with the professor that helped point me in a direction that I will take some time to explore !!



That classic “What do you want to be when you grow up?” have always been a question I’ve dreaded since I was in elementary school. One reason is because I absolutely had no idea what I wanted to be but my past teachers along with family members never accepted “I don’t know” as an answer. So you can only imagine the amount of anxiety I would get every time I was asked that question in life. Fast forwarding to fifteen years later, I’m happy to say I finally know what I want to be doing in the next 5 years of my life.

My Big Goal:

  1. Having a stable income from using the design skills I’ve learned in college
  2. Work as a full-time Graphic Designer/Animator after I graduate
  3. I want to create designs for both the Web & Print

How will I accomplish my big goal?

  1. Research, ReSEARCH, RESEARCH!
  2. Find Companies I will be interested in working for
  3. Look at Linkedin profiles of Junior Graphic Designers & Animators
  4. What are their listed skills? Their previous experiences? Education or Certificates? Their connections? Career Timeline? How long after college did they land their job?
  5. Explore the new AND old design trends employers are interested in
  6. Look at job listings and see what exact skills employers are asking for
  7. Will certain companies offer training?
  8. Keep learning Adobe AE, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, CSS & HTML, JavaScript
  9. Land an internship in the Marketing, Graphic Design, Web Design, or Motion Design Field
  10. Make an animation Reel
  11. Add more work to my online Portfolio
  12. Add a resume to my “about section” in my online Portfolio website
  13. Volunteer for small companies if I’m having trouble landing an internship
  14. Contact some people I know who work in the field already
  15. Have a back-up plan (find a variety of careers that may ask for designs skills but may not be as demanding or competitive as graphic design nor animator career field)

Helpful Blog posts I’ve found.

photo credit: – Design Portfolio Tips – Must Have GD Skills – Famous Graphic Designers – Animations Skills to Succeed  -Becoming an animator



Small Tasks, Big Goals

Unfortunately, I’m not exactly too sure what I want my big goal to be. But I do have a couple ideas along the lines of which direction I would like to head. Ultimately, I know that I want to have my own business. I would want my business to provide a service/product of design and strategy. To be hired by others for a particular service/product.

My next small task to complete this goal would be to do extensive research on how this particular business is suppose to be ran. I need to research individuals as well and familiarize myself with their work and the different types of content thats out there.

For me to even be able to attempt this and see if this works, I need to understand the business of fashion, the business of graphic design, the business of advertising and consulting and know at what type of medium would I be consulting on.


My goal after college

I have an goal that when after the college. I have decided to find a full job that I am able accomplished two of my degrees with my work experiences history. I am looking into two paths that I am into such as information technology in Web design or a Tech support specialist like IT support. I have enjoyed helping people lot in the past and working as a team. I have to discover jobs that I am interested into and match the skills that I had.

It’s important that you be good things that you are .

I worked into the CUNY internship program as Assisted Technology Support in DOE which I was had that passions because I had that ability from the past jobs or I knew that technologies from the past that I had worked in disables tech software and tools. The CUNY internship program always a helpful to me to get an opportunity.

If I had a goal in this class. I always wanted to keep learning new things from my major and keep up posted on website or a word press though remain the semester that would help to get the job opportunity. This major was an helpful major that I had learned many new things such as creating Graphics Photoshop and web design animation. I also like continue a Arduino which I have learned from my last semester.


Best and Worst

The top two worst classes that I encountered were a Mandarin class and a “Informal Logic” class. The worst experience was this ‘Informal Logic’ class because, the material of the course wasn’t what I at all expected and the class wasn’t at all engaging. It almost felt impossible to grasp the material or to even be interested in the course to try to be. The Mandarin course wasn’t “bad”, but it was hard due to my instructors teaching method with my preferred learning strategy. He taught on a more verbal level whereas I know that I learn best visually and seeing the translation from pin yin, to characters to what that is in English, and he mostly just wrote only characters which wasn’t helpful to me at all.

My best taught courses so far that I have completed, were my CT courses. I really enjoyed my UX/UI class and my motion graphics class using Adobe After Effects. Another thing that I liked about these classes, is that I enjoy becoming more familiar with the adobe suite.


Goodbye Classroom, Hello Discord

I had a blast on the first day of class. Although the new method of teaching via discord will get some used to, I prefer using it over blackboard’s collaborative ultra and Zoom. I personally feel like Discord makes communicating with my classmates and the teacher faster and more “human-like”. It reminds me of being in a group chat with friends. It was fun reconnecting with some old classmates too. The Discord app has a nice welcoming energy.

As far as my first impression of the class goes, I think it will be easy to pass and it will be helpful for me. Portfolio gives me the impression that “I’ve finally reached the last stage; and this is where I’ll figure out what I want to do with my college degree” type of “vibe”. I’m excited to see how this class will shape my perspective/expectations for the future.  

My favorite part of it all is that I get to wear pajamas!


First class thoughts?

The first class of this portfolio class was not so bad. We reminisced a little about the past and the classes we had. I had good and bad experiences at York college. I came in York college not knowing what I wanted to do all I knew was that I more of a tech person. So my junior year I knew I wanted to go into this CT Program and here I am enjoying all of this. I hope this class open my eyes further into my future!! Great first class so far though!


First Class was a Blast.

I don’t know if we have to be formal on here but… this class was dope so far. Discord was cool to use and I recognized some of my friends in the class as well, and it seems like everyone else is easygoing… so I’m not mad at it at all. I just hope we have a successful year and figure out our next steps. -King Kel

Just go with the flow… – Avatar

The New “Normal”

I really cannot believe that my last semester will be ending off during a PANDEMIC! This virus seems like it completely stopped the entire world and mine! I had so many day dreams about going to my internship workshops, meeting new people and overall networking. I was excited to gain experience from an internship and I also felt like it would have prepared me more before graduation.
But on the bright side, it has not stopped anything I have going on. In fact, it has given me more down time to really work on my craft, find my aesthetic and learn the type of audience I’m going to attract. I know this course will definitely guide me through those things I am looking for and then some. I have been looking forward to taking this course, just not remotely.