
Linkedin or Out?

In the process of finding an internship last year, I became a Linkedin junkie. (also Connect with me there) I wanted to take the leap and connect with people that I haven’t met and make sure that my profile was pristine to find part-time and full-time jobs in my dream field. I wanted people to know my business side apart from my creative side and find a way to combine them both. I was able to connect with an amazing woman from a company I want to work with on Instagram and we connected on Linkedin and Bumble Bizz.

If you are looking for an amazing place to connect with like-minded people who just want to network and collaborate on certain projects, Use Bumble Bizz ( not the dating one, but the business one) I was able to create a profile and have a tinder-like experience with people I want to connect with, work with, or just talk to. While I enjoy modelling in my free time, I was able to find 5 photographers in my area that want to work with me in the month of October. Hopefully, in the near future, there can be a platform for women in the media that want to connect ( I know a couple but they’re just spreadsheet based)

While I continue doing research on people who work in my field, I continue having conversations about what I need to be doing now to ensure my spot in one of these dream companies in the near future.

So far, I’ve learned that it’s good to build my resume with extra-curricular activities! companies don’t want employees who are only work-based. they want an individual who can have a life outside of the workplace who they can essentially provide skillsets and experience to at their company. I’ve learned that you should do online courses (since we are home anyway) companies want to ensure you can manage your workload in a home and virtual/ online setting. Everything from learning SEO to digital marketing is key.

Experience is also necessary! It doesnt have to be at huge companies but interning at some of the startups who want to have good social media presence is good for your practice and for thier brand.

I am interested in influencer marketing and I joined a couple of apps where I practice writing reviews and creating videos that provide me with some experience in that field which makes it easier for me to transition to freelance or a corporate job. ( there’s no in between)


Finding Your Future Peers

My future peer would be Cheyenne Rodriguez, who is a strategist and copywriter at Mother NYC. Mother NYC is a Independent Creative Company, thats in multiple locations around the world. Cheyenne is my “peer” because we both come from similar backgrounds and she landed in a place that I hope to be in the near future. Cheyenne is a POC female New York native, and we both come from the same programming and similar connections/ networks. After she dropped out of school she worked on a project with the new museum and then soon after that she found a placement at Mother Agency after interning with them and then got hired with a permanent position.

Cheyenne is a good associate/friend of mind whom I admire her work ethic and how she speaks and conducts herself. Although she dropped out of college she is a very intelligent woman who is very self aware and knowledgeable of her history and where she comes from.



So, it’s our second class and I didn’t forget I had to attend. We jumped right in, we broke into groups and talked about two of our best classes and two of our worst classes. I was grouped with Sapphire and Breanna. I really enjoyed that session I took notes and everything. But before I could report what I discovered about these two ladies my phone just stopped working. I couldn’t hear anything or speak. I could only text. I have to admit I was really disappointed.

So, this is what I learned about Sapphire, she liked CT 210 a documentary class. She learned how to operate a camera and wrote her own documentary. This class was required as part of her major. She also took a swimming class that she enjoyed, as a hobby.

However, Sapphire didn’t like Economics 102. She doesn’t like graphs and the class wasn’t a requirement.

Breanna on the other hand, didn’t like the way her Mandarin class was taught, she thought it was rushed. She also didn’t like her Biology 102 class because of the way it was taught.

Breanna did like CT137 Building and Hacking she thought it was interesting, fun, and she learned a lot.



There isn’t much I try my hand at and not succeed. I am looking forward to getting a job in the entertainment industry. I could start as a production assistant and work my way to another position, that is actually a job. I enjoy writing I think that is my strongest asset. I could use my skills to write myself a new life. A life that I get paid to do what I enjoy, write.

I think about advocating for people too. I think I could do a great job helping people that are less fortunate. I am truly concerned about people and their well-being and this will also be a good fit for me.

I’ve always had the idea to have my own production company. I thought I could solicit investors, and make it do what it do!


2nd Week Class Reflecting

The 2nd class was definitely interesting. The class helped me think a little more on what I want for myself. Honestly, I always shut myself from doing that because I was afraid that I might not figure out what I want to do in life. Some times I feel left behind seeing a lot of people knowing what they want to do with their lives and I’m still here trying to avoid it.

The class helped me open up a little more to myself and figure out what I want to do even though it is one step at a time. Someone told me that everyone goes at their own pace and I should focus on what I love doing. Doing storytelling through visuals is something I enjoy a lot. I may not be the best at it, but I want to create a lot to improve more and more.

Although I am still unsure if I want to attend grad school yet, right now I just want to find some internships to gain more experience for myself. I hope with this I will obtain more confidence and have a better understanding of myself in the future.


Flashing Lights

Recently, on a car ride home, I had a moment of reflection. “What am I doing with my life?” While 2020 has taken a big turn for all of us, It has been an eye opening year for me. This has been my first year where all of my goals haven’t been achieved yet. I spent my December 31st 2019, writing down goals for each month, as well as bigger goals for the year, on a personal level and scholarly level. To be frank, my personal level encapsulates all of my other goals, as my school life isn’t all that I am. One of the goals that I had for this year was to intern at HBO. no specific department, I just wanted to have those three letters, or, Warner Cable on my Linkedin Resume. I worked really hard and got all the way to the video interview.

And then I didn’t get a callback. I thought, maybe, they cancelled the internship program because of Covid. Well, I saw people getting accepted. I had to understand that even though I’ve been working towards this goal for about 6 months, some goals aren’t meant to be achievable. The goals that we set in life are supposed to range in difficulty and possibility. I learned this a couple years back when I had the wildest goals that i could’ve thought of, but surpassed them in no time.

Goals are really the stepping stool for our advancement. While I’ve had many goals for this year, I’ve reached the point where I’d just let things happen- especially with fires in California and everything else that’s happening in the world. Our future is nowhere close to being promised.

The end goal of my experiences with internships is that, while a company may have a big name, you are working with people. People who make mistakes, people who sometimes are still learning and don’t know what they’re doing, and people who can’t separate the professional and the personal. While my dreams on HBO were crushed, I think everything else that happened in it’s way made me go back and rethink some of my goals. That working for HBO doesn’t mean that I’m just working for a big company. I’d have a boss I probably wouldn’t like, being a Black woman may not work in my favor, and that “I’m still very young” (which has stopped no-one , like ever, just saying)

While I didn’t achieve my goal of sitting in a Game of Throne office chair in Hudson Yards, I’ve remodeled many other goals that I’ve been able to accomplish. Finding a more suitable internship that would land me a part-time job in my field. Tiny things such as relax more, take life by the neck and rest it on a pillow and be grateful for the little things. While I’ve been able to be on Snapchat this month, which has never essentially been a goal for me, I’ve been able to get there.

It’s time to go back to the drawing board and prioritize my goals as they come. One of my biggest goals is coming to fruition (can’t say until it’s final, hopefully before the end of this semester I can share) and I’ve been taking it for granted by focusing on other things, and I’m really happy that I’m able to do more research, reading anything I can get my hands on, talking to people about their life stories and digging deep to understand myself more. Goal planning is becoming a bit easier as I fully grasp the idea that goals are goals and some might score, and some might miss.


finish small tasks, accomplish big goals

i have always been asked to set goals throughout my years of school but they were always mediocre. so being asked what is my actual big goal is a bit overwhelming. just like everyone else, i want to be successful. getting able to take courses in communications and actually indulging into what i want to be able to do as career has been exciting.

with that being said, i would love to create my own website with the knowledge i have now and turn it into something that showcases the things i love and enjoy. i want it to actually be able to function the correct way as a regular website that people use.


College Life: Week Two

At the beginning of this class I’m not gonna hold you Professor I was extremely tired from the night before because I decided to stay up to five in the morning silly me but I still enjoy this class session it help me realize a bigger picture on my major is becoming someone in TV production. I like how you spoke to me on there are different types of jobs I can look into as an internship with TV production there’s so much I can do with just television and learning more techniques in this industry. That peptalk actually woke me up more to enhance my knowledge on being in school and grasping every information I can get and turn it into a beautiful masterpiece in the making or should I say directors cut lol. Over the week I will be watching some of my favorite TV shows and looking at the credentials at the end to find out more of these people and where they started and what was their roles in the industry. Thank you I’ve also hope we are all staying positive during this crazy pandemic better day should come around and I am so here for it!!


Week 2-Wake up call

Well, this was an interesting class this week just what I thought I had everything figured out this class made me realize I don’t.

That being said, I did have a general outline for what I wanted to do, which was combining the two things I like gaming and web designing to create a website for gaming, almost like IGN.
So I feel slightly proud of myself that I at least have something 🙂

I chose this because I’m very passionate about video games and where the future video games are heading, but I’m also into good designing websites. Over the years, I’ve seen many good video game websites, and I’ve seen a lot of bad ones, so hopefully, I can make a good one.

After talking to professor Smith, he made me realize that I should probably get into content creating such as YouTube videos and streaming/uploading gameplay footage with my voice integrated into it and as soon as he said that, I find it funny that I was already doing it and not really realizing it kind of related to what I wanted to do

After doing a little bit of research, I realized my content creation could be about the news of video games, so just me getting on camera and talking about certain video game topics, tips, and tricks on how to beat certain games, or having a playthrough of me commentary on certain games. I’m currently doing more research before what I gathered is a lot more I can do, which is very interesting cuz I haven’t really thought of doing all types of content creation like this, but I’m interested long as I don’t be lazy with it

Every time I come to this class and seem like I learn more and more about myself and what type of future I want to have so let’s keep it going.


Big Goal

What’s good y’all, my main goal after graduating college (hopefully before that) is to become a full-time artist, this has definitely been my dream job since I was young. However, I know it takes time to get your foot through that door. So I picked up a skill in audio engineering that coincides with the main goal. I fell in love with editing vocals and tracking sessions for my clients. There’s plenty of opportunity to network and such through the recording process alone. I wanted to be able to record myself and, now I currently am a freelance audio engineer. I worked really hard to teach myself how to configure my DAW of choice and now the studio feels like home. I briefly interned at a nearby studio with a Grammy award-winning engineer and that’s when I knew I really wanted to be in the studio and get the most of my income that way. Youtube has taught me most of all I know ( the GOAT) and I’ll continue to use YouTube, as well as the new resources from my studio encounters to further my journey. I wish you all well in your future endeavors.