Well, this was an interesting class this week just what I thought I had everything figured out this class made me realize I don’t.
That being said, I did have a general outline for what I wanted to do, which was combining the two things I like gaming and web designing to create a website for gaming, almost like IGN.
So I feel slightly proud of myself that I at least have something 🙂
I chose this because I’m very passionate about video games and where the future video games are heading, but I’m also into good designing websites. Over the years, I’ve seen many good video game websites, and I’ve seen a lot of bad ones, so hopefully, I can make a good one.
After talking to professor Smith, he made me realize that I should probably get into content creating such as YouTube videos and streaming/uploading gameplay footage with my voice integrated into it and as soon as he said that, I find it funny that I was already doing it and not really realizing it kind of related to what I wanted to do
After doing a little bit of research, I realized my content creation could be about the news of video games, so just me getting on camera and talking about certain video game topics, tips, and tricks on how to beat certain games, or having a playthrough of me commentary on certain games. I’m currently doing more research before what I gathered is a lot more I can do, which is very interesting cuz I haven’t really thought of doing all types of content creation like this, but I’m interested long as I don’t be lazy with it
Every time I come to this class and seem like I learn more and more about myself and what type of future I want to have so let’s keep it going.
1 reply on “Week 2-Wake up call”
I like this post it was very positive and I definitely do see you becoming an activist for video games speaking of video games have you purchased the new 2K 2020 I heard that game is to die for check it out if you can on the graphics and let us know what you think about it I love how you use these GIFs they keep me entertained as I read your post great job