
My future “goal” maybe

So coming to the college level I never knew what I wanted to do so nearing the end of my college road I think about my future everyday. Class was good reading about what everyone wanted to do in their future life was really amazing. It was good to read that people actually know what they wanted to do and I felt like I was clueless at this point. I did find some websites to start my research on : Web Design, Motion Graphics, web animation, integrate motion with web design. These were just some websites that I found out that were pretty interesting for me to look into more soon to narrow what I wanted to do because I really think that I wanted to fuse motion graphics and web design together.

I wish I knew exactly what I wanted to when I finish college but I am stuck between exploring more motion graphics stuff or being more so of a web designer or I can have the best of both worlds. But what I am hoping to do is maybe work with commercials or even work with clients to build their websites or more so just animate. I can also do web animations for sites or even make my own app! As you can see I am all over the place but I hope to stick to a more concrete idea and that is all guys.

If anyone reads this and can help a girl out with her goals it would be pretty beneficial to me seriously!!