
Final Days

This class has helped me in many ways. Im a person that usually takes it one day at a time, but this class helped me gather my thoughts today and actually set a goal. I wasn’t sure where I was headed or how to get there but taking this class made it seem less scary.

I learned to search for people that work in the post production field. I want to work in various aspects in that field, such as a Camera Operator, Editor, and much more. I Recently learned how to use After Effects and aim to become skilled enough to use my skills in the workplace. The more skills you have, the more valuable you are.

There are many things I have to do, such as search for an internship, reach out to them, develop a proposal,. I have more time on my hands so I will commit myself to crossing items off my checklist. Most importantly, I want to develop a digital presence, when I finish my other tasks, I will work on this be developing my own website, forming my own website.

I will use this post as well as other classmates posts as a guideline on what I have to do!!. My classmates are very intelligent people and I am inspired by how detailed their goals are.