
A “big goal” — Digital Presence & Project Update ?

In this modern age of IoT (Internet of Things) while our digital footprint is the most vulnerable thing, our digital presence which leaves those trails — are equally just as important for competence and survival.

Let’s be honest, nowadays you can’t just start a company and expect your business to sustain the stiff competition — just by remaining “local” (unless you selling eggs & milk). Even if it’s just a job we’re interested in, applications and interview process (after COVID) are more than ever; being conducted digitally. Therefore, it only makes sense for us to stay on top with our digital portfolio — like creating a LinkedIn profile (unless you successful like prof. Smith — then screw LinkedIn).

This is where understanding not only what employers seek, but also what their clients need from the company you’re interested in becomes extremely crucial — to increase your chances of getting that one job you’ve been eyeing like it’s your crush or something (we’re all weird sometimes). This very push toward standardization of our online profile has created a new form of competition — how impressive does our first impression need to be; sadly there’s no limit. Today what separates the men from the boys is our attention grabbing profile, which I didn’t have btw — so she rejected my ass based on “low IG followers”. However, enough is enough as Syed makes the same mistake only twice.

I may walk away from a girl’s rejection — NOT a job which will make me $ (unlike her). Which is why after breaking down what a “future peer” has chosen to present, I will define what I have to present; Great Marketing!

My peers are LinkedIn freaks, likely a consequence of them being “Licensed Professionals” is the field of Business and Finance. Therefore, I was looking through their LinkedIn profile and found some seriously no-nonsense cover letter, backed by an insane amount of enforcement.

Here’s some examples:

To be successful in this field what I learned is that, I have to be like them (impressive amount of LinkedIn followers and endorsement). This is something I’ll work on after starting my apprenticeship next year, where they’ll be training me on how to get businesses to look at you. It’s high likely, that I’ll also receive many endorsements from my peers and supervisors — honestly can’t wait to amplify my own portfolio. This week’s lecture was very insightful to me because of how you pushed us to look deeper into our future self. Hence, my final will focus on basic marketing as a way to broaden my comprehension — something I’ll be depending on for my own photography project (planned project for CT401). While this initial project only serves as the “wiki” for various advertising platforms — future CT401 project will dive much deeper as to “how the marketing was executed (setting up online platforms, method/pricing), and whether this helped me gain clients or not”.

Thankful to have you prof. Smith, Happy Thanksgiving! 


 (at the time of writing; NOT publishing).