My model individual for a digital presence is digital creative named Donye Taylor, based in Washington, D.C. She is active on most popular social media accounts such as Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin. She is more active on Instagram daily, but her Linkedin is always being updated.
Linkedin: Her profile is straight to the point, displaying her bio, contact info, experience and awards. I like how she incorporates her instagram post onto this profile. I believe for her first impression, seeing the instagram links allows one to see that she is socially active on other platforms.
Instagram: Her profile is also straight to the point before you scroll through her photos. The bio explains who she is, what she does and her contact information. Similar to her Linkedin profile, just in fewer words.
Her instagram is more personal yet she still incorporates her progress on certain projects, gives creative digital advice and promotes her accomplishments. Having all of this type of information allows viewers to get to know her better because of the photos and videos she posts of herself. Her captions are also key to her digital presence because she talks directly to her followers and that allows a personal connection and makes her more intriguing.
I am inspired by both of her digital presences I shared because she shows a very professional and relatable presence on social media, and connecting with your audience is key.
I am currently working on relaunching my own website for my digital presence, but as of now I am in the process of building my design page. I know my timidness hindered me from putting my all into posting content but this course has definitely aided me in the direction I want to go with my digital presence and career.
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