Having big goals vs. knowing how to accomplish them can be overwhelming. But hopefully the work you’ve been doing in the Communications Technology program and the classes in particular are contributing toward your goals. At least they’re helping you get a degree!
But the degree doesn’t guarantee a job or an amazing project in your portfolio, it is a sequence of courses designed to help you develop fundamental skills for careers in tv or web. They are really a starting point and it’s up to you to develop goals beyond your degree.
That’s what this class is for, setting aside time each meeting to work on what more you want to accomplish beyond the classroom. And you’ll approach this by identifying and working in small but meaningful ways toward a BIG GOAL. Each week we’ll follow a structured process that is described in the syllabus, and each week you’ll get a little closer to your goal.
So let’s get started with some research,
- What is your actual big goal? Why have them? Is it to get a particular job of some sort? Complete a particular project you’ve had in mind? Get accepted to a graduate school program? It must be your goal and you have to define it.
- Next, it’s time to pick something, anything you can do right now that is very specific that works toward this goal. It should be small, and it must be specific.
- Does it require research? Probably.
- Are you even able to define the goal specifically enough? It might be too broad, that means research too.
- Do you know people that have already accomplished this goal? That would be awesome if you did, but if you don’t you could do some research about them.
- Now go
up to the white-board and write your nameto the #portfolio-chat in Discord and tell us what you’ll be doing. - And now you’re going to commit to 20 straight minutes of work. Take a break. Then another 20 minutes.I’m going to
move through the classroommessage you in Discord and check in with you as you start working.
Now it’s time to discuss with a peer
- Share what you discovered with a peer and make sure that peer takes notes.
- Your peer next shares on the white-board under your name what your big goal is and what you’ve being working on.
- Your peer finally presents this to the class so that you can get some advice.
Get your thoughts on the blog
Finally start and if you can finish, a blog post about what accomplished in the class. Remember you’re responsible for completing a post for each meeting and recognize these posts are responsible for the majority of your grade. So to do well in this class basically all you have to do is show up, be an active participant and report on the blog what you did.
But to accomplish your goals, well:
It is up to you to put yourself in the best position to succeed.
See you at the next meeting and expect to follow this process again and every meeting with new tasks.
1 reply on “Finish small tasks, Accomplish big goals”
Small tasks accomplishing big goals
Everything matters, the annoying papers, the weekly projects: “What do I Want to be when I grow-up? Hell we are already grown. But we need to go through the motions and do the foot-work to see what actually lies in the future we have chosen for our selves. Yes, it is hard, but who else is going to do it for us.
I will get a job in the Commonications field utilizing my writing skills. I have many years of work experience under my belt, but things are constantly changing. I have to constantly re-evaluated and updated myself/skills to remain competitive in the world of work.