
Final Finally Finished ?

My final project for CT-399 revolves around the significance of “Digital identify and presence”. Reason behind choosing this topic was to advance my comprehension regards to marketing and public relations related strategic planning.

I was told by “future peers” from my upcoming apprenticeship company; to tell a story almost as if I’m presenting to my clients (business owners) and bestow upon them — meaningful knowledge regarding how-to-get their clients (owner’s potential clients). This is because as a business and financial specialist (my career goal), we have to be great at advertising ourselves — through offering simple and cost effective marketing strategies in an effort to strive their business.

I decided to focus on real estate, primarily because of its rise in NYC — while this segment took a massive hit during the pandemic; NYC will recover again and so will the real estate business. New York Life has over 11k agents nationwide; each specialized in their own field of interest — real estate is no exception.

I will likely perform a wide range of duties during my apprenticeship program — from working with advisors who specialize in business administration, to property management, and providing various insurance packages for those who are interested in securing their business; instead of risking.

My research initially discusses the rise of Chinese real state in the United States, before diving deep into marketing strategies. However, it’s crucial to note that this project serves as a Wikipedia for Advertisements — therefore, it’s going to apply to all other projects my CT peers may have (since they all have to learn basic marketing anyway; for their own business).

Finally, for my CT-401 Final course; this marketing wiki will serve as a guide to help me advertise for my very own photography business — name will be revealed during CT-401 Prologue. As mentioned in my previous “final update blog” — I will focus on basic marketing as a way to broaden my comprehension, since it’s something I’ll be depending on for my own photography project (planned project for CT401). While this initial project only serves as the “wiki” for various advertising platforms — future CT401 project will dive much deeper as to “how the marketing was executed (setting up online platforms, method/pricing), and whether this helped me gain clients or not”.

For now, let’s just narrow down our focus on the various types of marketing platforms available to us for advertising and “how they function”.

I sincerely hope you will find this project insightful…