In our second to last class, we were asked to find some future peers who had good and stable digital presence. I found many but I think the three I stuck with really look like they are already in the direction I’m heading.
jakobhauser have a pretty solid digital portfolio where you can see all his animation works and graphic design skills. He is a graphic designer, animator & illustrator like me. I plan to be the jack of all trades and he is somewhat close to that right now. More on his work is posted on his Youtube page as well.
The other two honorable mentions are more successful in the animation field than a future peer but I really love their work and hope you’ll check them out. I’ll also use their level of skills as inspiration to keep practicing animation. I don’t feel like I’m experienced at all right now to land a job as a animator.
agungugang…yes, that’s the name he goes by. I don’t know he’s real name but I do know he lives in Indonesia and that he is a very talented 2d motion graphics designer. I found him through YouTube when I was looking for Chinese New Year animation inspirations. He also has a Vimeo page and Tumblr page, where he post his extensive list of animations he has done. He even sells animation templates, which I found so interesting and will look how I can do that too in the near future. It would be a great way to make some extra income while potentially adding the templates I make as freelanced work on my resume.
Zoe Hu is the last person I found with a very nice digital presence. I stumbled upon her work on a random but very mesmerizing website called moreofsomethinggood.com. I think I was just looking for website inspirations then I found it. The website is pure art and an online market to get cool snacks. I recommend visiting the website to find some very cool artists and unique Asian snacks. Now back to Zoe Hu. I chose to add her to the list because she doesn’t use many platforms like the other people I found. She only shows her reel on her portfolio website and then link her instagram. I like the minimalist approach and think I can learn a few new design tricks from her.
Our very own Ryan Seslow is also an honorable mention. The way he displays his work is soo appealing and just satisfy the senses. He’s website is very organized and have a clear mission. I will definitely see how I can incorporate some of his layout techniques to my website. More of his master pieces can be found on giphy.